African Oral Narratives
Military Intelligence in Apartheid-era South Africa


Kase Gosa, Ejegu Sheberu, Denberu Mamo, Demesew Tulula, and Tadese Alemu Interview

Date: June 3, 2009
Format: Sound/mp3
  • Oral accounts on the development of agriculture in the north-central part of the Lake region
  • Types of crops and field technology
  • History of livestock production before and after the onset of crop production
  • Farming in the revolutionary years
  • Interview conducted in Tullure, Lume, East of Modjo town, Lake region, Ethiopia

Bete Debele and Alamu Dabi Interview

Date: June 7, 2010
Format: Sound/mp3
  • Farmers’ testimonies on the history of agriculture and environmental change
  • The state of the area’s agriculture in the contemporary period (after 1991)
  • Cropping patterns and the reasons behind them
  • Interview conducted in Ejersa Gerro, Lume, Lake region, Ethiopia

Sebaro Balango, Molla Badisso, and Woya Lolassa Group Interview

Date: June 28, 2010
Format: Image-MovingImage/mp4
History of livelihood practices History of agriculture History of trade and political relationship with outside communities Marriage Interview conducted at Aje, west of Shashamane town, Lake region, Ethiopia

Getachew Kasahun and Engeda Kelkele Interview

Date: July 4, 2010
Format: Sound/mp3
  • Remarks on the link between soil types and plant growth.
  • Local cuisine.
  • Distribution of major and minor crops.
  • Land shortage and landlessness.
  • Interview took place in Ude, just to the south of Debre Zeit town, Lake region, Ethiopia

Scenery and farmers' fields

Date: July 29, 2010
Format: Image-MovingImage/mp4
A photographic view of Aje's crop fields and landscape

Mario Bushi, Lansemo Lulo, Tura Harticha, and Elias Gudisa Interview

Date: July 30, 2010
Format: Sound/mp3
  • History of the area’s agriculture since the late nineteenth century.
  • Farmers’ perceptions about climate change.
  • History of fertilizer use.
  • Remarks on local and state administration in the contemporary period.
  • Land tenure issues in the post-1975.
  • Interview conducted in Ali Wayoo, just north of Arsi Nagelle town, Lake region, Ethiopia

Mahmoud Mohammed Interview

Date: July 31, 2010
Format: Sound/mp3
  • His own experience as a “model farmer.”
  • Remarks on the challenges he and most farmers now face in agriculture.
  • Comments on water resources and hiking fertilizer prices.
  • Malaria prevention.
  • Interview conduced in Ali Wayao, just to the north of Arsi Nagelle town, Lake region, Ethiopia

Molla Badisso and Goitom Baraki Interview

Date: August 8, 2010
Format: Image-MovingImage/mp4
  • Remarks on the arrival of new cultivars in the last five years
  • Fish farm
  • Interview conducted in Aje, west of Shashamane town, Lake region, Ethiopia.

Nini Abino Interview

Date: August 15, 2010
Format: Sound/mp3
  • History of local society
  • History of land tenure
  • History of local administration

Azmach Feseha Zewde, Sami Haji Aman, Tore Neguse, Azmach Kasa Woldeyohanes, and Teruneh Walde Interview

Date: August 20, 2010
Format: Sound/mp3
  • Individual life narratives
  • Factors affecting agricultural production
  • Farming in the post-Derg era
  • Impact of modern inputs on farm production
  • Interview conducted in Koshe, Maraqo, southeast of Buta Jira town, Lake region, Ethiopia