Saint-Louis: Religious Pluralism in the Heart of Senegal

by David Robinson with assistance from Ghislaine Lydon, Kalala Ngalamulume and others

Armed Moorish Party

Armed Moorish Party
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This is a typical armed Moorish party out for raiding or defending itself from other parties. Gouraud included it in his book of recollections of his Mauritanian campaign.

Armed Moorish Party
Armed Moorish Party
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Description: This is a typical armed Moorish party out for raiding or defending itself from other parties. Gouraud included it in his book of recollections of his Mauritanian campaign.
Date Range: 1900-1909
Location: Mauritania
Format: Image/jpeg
Rights Management: For educational use only.
Contributing Institution: David Robinson; MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University
Digitizer: MATRIX
Source: Gouraud, Henri, Mauritanie Adrar. Souvenirs d'un africain (Paris: Plon, 1945), facing p 64, bottom.