Date: January 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
Interview with Buh Muhammed Kunta, also known as Buh Khalifa Kunta. Mr. Kunta speaks about the history of the Buh Kunta branch of the Qadiriyya covering the origins of Shaykh Buh Naama, Buh Kunta's father, and the circumstances surrounding his arrival and settlement in Senegal; Buh Kunta's background; religious education in Ndiassane, and relations with other Qadiriyya branches in Senegal and Mauritania. Interview in Wolof with French translation.
Date: January 2007
Format: Image-MovingImage/mp4
Imam Sidy Omar Kunta explains who the different imams of Ndiassane were before him and points out that they do not come from only one family lineage, as is widely believed. He also speaks about the current mosque and the project of constructing a new, larger mosque. Interview in Wolof with translations in French and English.
Date: January 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
Shaykh Sidi Yakhya Kunta discusses his background, his knowledge about Buh Kunta, his role in preparations for the annual pilgrimage, and current concerns. Interview in Wolof with French translation.
Date: January 3, 2007
Format: Image-MovingImage/mp4
El Haji Mame Buh Mamadu Kunta is the Khalif General of Ndiassane and Ndankh. In this video, he speaks about his religious education and religious education more generally; his activities before becoming khalif; relations with other religious leaders in Senegal; the history of the Kunta family and their role in the dissemination of Islam; Shaykh Buh Kunta; and relations with followers. Interview in Wolof; translations in French and English. French translation of video interview completed by Adrien Pouille and Moussa Thiao. English translation completed by Maria Grosz-Ngate and Moussa Thiao.
Date: January 5, 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
In this interview, Shaykh Bekkai Faal recounts how his father left his natal village of Dougabougou in the Segou region of Mali to settle in Ndiassane and become a follower of Buh Kunta. The father's family name was Coulibaly in Mali, which corresponds to the Wolof family name Faal in Senegal. Shaykh Faal explains that some therefore refer to him as Faal, others as Coulibaly. He also expands on life in Ndiassane; his family's relationship with the Kunta family; his mother's background; other Mande members of the community; and his own visit to, and involvement in, his father's village of origin.
Interview in the Bamana language; translation in French.
Date: August 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
Shaykh Mamadu Mbodj describes his activities as a member of the Buh Kunta Qadiriyya, especially as a singer. He speaks about the relationship between his home town of Bargny and Ndiassane and recalls the ziaara (pious visits) he and other followers made to Ndiassane when Sidy Lamin Kunta was khalif. Interview in Wolof with French translation.
Date: December 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
Second interview with Buh Muhammed Kunta, also known as Buh Khalifa. Mr. Kunta relates his religious and secular education, family connections with spiritual leaders in Mauritania and with the Kunta of Mali. He then elaborates on various topics such as Buh Kunta's commercial activities, the villages established by him, followers who were close to him, the annual pilgrimage, and the position of shaykh. Interview in Wolof with French translation.
Date: December 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
Professor Kunta reflects on his early years; his family, and especially his relationship with his grandfather and father; Cheikh Bou and the khalifs who succeeded him. He speaks about the cordial relations between Ndiassane, Tivaouane, and Touba and highlights the spiritual bond that existed between Khalif Sidi Lamin Kunta and Serigne Babacar Sy of Tivaouane. In addition, he discusses topics such as the importance of followers of Mande background and family connections with Mali; his responsibilities as the eldest son of the khalif; and contemporary concerns, including the education of girls. Audio interview in French with transcription.
Date: December 2007
Format: Sound/mp3
Shaykh Buh Njaay recalls the circumstances surrounding his birth that led his father to give him into the care of Buh Kunta as a young child. He recounts what he remembers about Buh Kunta, how he lived in his household, and his religious education. Interview in Wolof with French translation.
Date: August 2011
Format: Sound/mp3
Soxna Astou Kounta addresses several topics in this interview: her own education and that of women more generally; her role as an assistant to her father Khalif El Haj Mame Buh; and her concerns about youth unemployment. received a Koranic education and also went to a secular school. Interview in Wolof with translation in French.