Everyday Islam in Kumasi: Devout Lay Men and Women in Daily Life
by Gracia Clark
Muhammed Bashiru Danakabu
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Creator: Danakabu, Muhammed Bashiru Clark, Gracia
Contributing Institutions: Gracia Clark; MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University
Contributor: Gracia Clark
Biography: He is from Navrongo, Upper East Region. His father came from Nigeria and had several wives, so he is the eleventh of sixteen children. His mother had five children. He studied Islam from childhood with a leading teacher in Navrongo who still guides him. He studies busines and accounting, and hopes to continue in accounting after receiving his exam results. He wants to be a Chartered Accountant.
Description: "They are not doing it for Islam."
Date: August 21, 2009
Date Range:
Location: Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana
Format: Video/mp4
Language: English
Rights Management: For educational use only.
Digitizer: MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences