Everyday Islam in Kumasi: Devout Lay Men and Women in Daily Life
by Gracia Clark
Mohammed Bawa
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Creator: Bawa, Mohammed Clark, Gracia
Contributing Institutions: Gracia Clark; MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University
Contributor: Gracia Clark
Biography: His grandfathers on both sides were great ISlamic teachers, and he is also prepared to teach someone how to read the Koran on their own. He started selling used bicycles with his uncle when he was still in school, and now has his own shop. The Koran starts with education and promotes technical learning, too. For him, women should veil to protect men from being attracted to them. Islam emphasizes avoiding confrontation and violence, so terrorists are not good Muslims.
Description: "First, be honest; second, be patient."
Date: August 13, 2009
Date Range:
Location: Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana
Format: Video/mp4
Language: English
Rights Management: For educational use only.
Digitizer: MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences