Everyday Islam in Kumasi: Devout Lay Men and Women in Daily Life
by Gracia Clark
Ahmed Abdulah
click play for full interview
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Creator: Abdulah, Ahmed Clark, Gracia
Contributing Institutions: Gracia Clark; MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University
Contributor: Gracia Clark
Biography: Ahmed was born and brought up in the Kumasi Zongo. He was a long distance truck driver until the owner's truck broke down. Now he drives a cab for a woman owner.
Description: "I will drive peacefully; I will come home peacefully."
Date: August 21, 2009
Date Range:
Location: Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana
Format: Video/mp4
Language: English
Rights Management: For educational use only.
Digitizer: MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences