Failed Islamic States in Senegambia
David Robinson
Memorial for Victims of Samba Sadio
Contributing Institutions: David Robinson; MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online at Michigan State University
Description: An artist's sketch of the religious service for the casualties from the French and Cayorian coalition which defeated the Madiyankoobe at Samba Sadio in February 1875. This sketch contains the following caption, "Religious Service in St. Louis for the Victims of the Battle against Anadu Madiyu, 1875".
Date: 1875
Date Range: 1870-1879
Location: Saint-Louis (Ndar), Senegal
Format: Image/jpeg
Rights Management: For educational use only.
Digitizer: MATRIX
Source: "Le Monde Illustre," 8 May 1875.